Errors and Omissions Insurance

Individuals or companies that provide a service for a fee should consider Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance, also known as Professional Liability Insurance. This coverage can help financially protect against damages from acts, errors or omissions, and keep your customer’s professional reputation from being harmed.

We’re seeing a steady increase in the number of claims against customers delivering professional services. E&O Insurance, protects a business or individual when a customer holds the company or practitioner responsible for a service provided, or a failure to provide a service, that did not have the expected or promised results.

As most commercial liability policies exclude E&O coverage, your customer should consider this additional protection for settlements, defence costs, negligence, mistakes and oversights against potential damages. Risk-Can’s insurance experts can provide customized E&O coverage for your customer’s unique needs.

Who needs E&O coverage?

Any individual or company providing a service for a fee where there is a risk of causing financial loss to a customer should consider E&O Insurance, including but not limited to, the following professions:

  • Architects and Engineers

  • Accountants, Bookkeepers and Auditors

  • Financial Institutions

  • Investment Managers

  • Recruitment and Staffing Agencies

  • Surveyors, Real Estate Agents and Property Management

  • Consultants

  • Website and Software Developers

  • Advertising Agencies

  • Travel Agents

Contact us today to learn more about E&O Insurance!


Professional Liability

Seedsmen Errors & Omissions

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