Errors and Omissions Insurance
Individuals or companies that provide a service for a fee should consider Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance, also known as Professional Liability Insurance. This coverage can help financially protect against damages from acts, errors or omissions, and keep your customer’s professional reputation from being harmed.
We’re seeing a steady increase in the number of claims against customers delivering professional services. E&O Insurance, protects a business or individual when a customer holds the company or practitioner responsible for a service provided, or a failure to provide a service, that did not have the expected or promised results.
As most commercial liability policies exclude E&O coverage, your customer should consider this additional protection for settlements, defence costs, negligence, mistakes and oversights against potential damages. Risk-Can’s insurance experts can provide customized E&O coverage for your customer’s unique needs.
Who needs E&O coverage?
Any individual or company providing a service for a fee where there is a risk of causing financial loss to a customer should consider E&O Insurance, including but not limited to, the following professions:
Accountants, Bookkeepers and Auditors
Investment Managers
Recruitment and Staffing Agencies
Surveyors, Real Estate Agents and Property Management
Website and Software Developers
Advertising Agencies
Travel Agents
Contact us today to learn more about E&O Insurance!
Professional Accountants
Professional Liability
Seedsmen Errors & Omissions