Legal Expense Insurance
Hiring the right legal representation can be stressful, time consuming and costly. Make sure your customer is protected before an unforeseen incident or lawsuit with Legal Expense Insurance.
Your customer faces many potential legal risks daily, and it’s important that they have the correct representation based on their organizational needs. From employment disputes to bodily injuries, an incident or accident can occur when your customer least expects it, potentially leaving them with significant losses.
Legal Expense Insurance with Risk-Can can help provide your customer with a risk mitigation strategy and financial protection. With this coverage, your customer will have access to legal advice and guidance, leaving them with peace of mind knowing the costs of pursuing or defending against legal action can be financially covered.
Who needs Legal Expense Insurance?
Small business owners
Groups and associations
Residential landlords
Strata councils
Condo boards
Coverage Highlights
Employment disputes
Legal defence
Contract disputes and debt recovery
Statutory license protection
Property protection
Bodily injury
Tax protection
Residential tenancy disputes
Commercial tenancy disputes
Enforcement of orders
Unlimited access to our legal helpline
Contact us today to learn more about Legal Expense Insurance!